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Keep calm and carry on!

Keep calm and carry on!

Carrying On...

It feels as though Covid-19 has taken over 2020. Since its arrival and subsequent spread throughout the world we have all had to adjust to the new ‘normal’. It’s times like these that test our resilience and patience. NHS staff across the UK are working hard to treat those infected by this devastating virus. Carers are trying their best to prevent the spread of the infection whilst still attending to the needs of those that rely upon them. Supermarket workers are desperately trying to maintain their stock levels in these uncertain times whilst enforcing social distancing within their stores. Delivery drivers are working all available hours to ensure goods are received by those that are unable to leave their homes. Although the level of threat from this virus is high, we, as a nation are pulling together to keep things moving so that when we are all free to return to some semblance of normality, the ‘normal’ we knew before is still attainable.

As a small business we, at Own Furniture, have been forced to embrace the challenges of Covid-19 and acclimate to them accordingly. Below are some of the ways that we are maintaining our business in these troubling times;

Social Distancing - All essential staff that are integral to the daily running of the business are observing social distancing measures in accordance with the government's guidelines. We are operating our office on skeleton staff to prevent the chances of staff coming into contact with each other.

Working from home - Where staff are able to remotely work from home they are. All data is securely stored and encrypted for your protection.

Furlough - Family first - Staff that are unable to work from home and have vulnerable people in their immediate family have been furloughed to prevent the potential transfer of the virus to their homes. We like to think of our staff as family and their safety is our top priority.

Supply chain delays - The knock on effect of quarantining and factory closures around the world is starting to affect stock supply for all businesses.

Delivery delays - As high-street retailers have been forced to shut their doors the majority of consumers have turned to online shopping to enable purchases to continue. As a result of this courier networks are starting to experience delays due to the heavy order traffic that they are currently receiving.

What does this mean for you - We have made a commitment to provide the very best consumer experience for our customers. Our level of communication is slightly slower than usual, but we are making sure we reply to all enquiries within 24 working hours. We aim to keep stock levels on our website as up to date as possible and so that you are informed of any delays that may be occurring with stock. If you order an item from us and it is currently out of stock we will contact you to offer you your consumer options. When we arrange a delivery with you there may be a small degree of delay in getting the items to you. We will keep you informed every step of the way.

At Own Furniture we care about you. We’re still here and we’re still putting in the effort to provide you with the high standard of service that you have become accustomed to.

Thank you for your support during this difficult time.